Radio NETs

Amateur Radio Nets that AHARs members attend

Monday night AHARS 2 metre net

147.00MHz on VK5RAD at 20:00 It is a general chat about what we have all been doing and anything that is of interest. It is open to all registered Amateur Operators, and we especially welcome new and recently licensed people, to join in and become comfortable with being on air. Also interstate and other visiting operators are welcome. You don’t have to be an AHARS Member to join in, so come up and make yourself known.

Call in with your callsign and name in phonetics at the appropriate time when asked by the net controller.

Boat Anchor Net

Conducted by VK5LB (Dean) on 3.62 MHz every Tuesday evening at 20:00 One of the
longest running Nets on the airwaves anywhere! Come up and say Hello if you have 80
metre capability.


The ANZA (Australian, New Zealand and Africa) net runs every day on 14.183MHZ at 0515UTC with an early check in at 0500UTC. It is a list net, so you have to wait your turn to give reports, etc. There are check-ins from all over the world (anywhere from 15 to 35 per day) and it would be a great platform for those working towards their DXCC awards. Paul, VK5PAS and Shirley VK5YL alternate as net controllers on Thursday, which is Ladies Day, but all are welcome any day.

Also, for F-call licensed members who aren’t licensed for 20 metres, you can get on the ANZA Net on 15 metres on Saturdays at 04:00 on 21.205 MHz.